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A family story ...

Amédé LONGUET, son of a flour miller, begins his apprenticeship

at the Boulangerie Pâtisserie du PLATEAU in Colombes (92).

He is the creator of biscotté breads, thin and long,

called "LONGUETS". For those who think they don't know,

it is at the origin of the "breadsticks" in bigger

It was very popular before WW1.




Amédé L. takes over the bakery where he learned everything.

It is very successful with its specialties such as madeleines,

found at the time mainly in Brittany.

The baker's height, he suffers from an allergy to flour dust and sees himself

forced to stop the business and sell his business.


Hortunately to follow the family tradition, his son Lucien Longuet,

father of Alain and Michel LONGUET, takes up the torch by starting

his apprenticeship at the bakery of the Church of Versailles (78).

But the 2nd World War comes to interrupt his projects.



Lucien L. decides with one of his comrades in the war,

Paul RABILLIER, to found his own pastry-biscuit factory.


Creation of the business in Versailles under the name of ERTE, a mixture of LONGUET and RABILLIER. The daily production was 1000 cakes. But at this time, the exercise of the Métie is painful and Paul R. decides to leave the adventure,

leaving Lucien L as sole manager.


When Lucien L. died, his sons took over. They develop the range,

are looking for new customers and new manufacturing tools.

To do so, they participate in many exhibitions that bring together professionals

and customers from various markets. To preserve the tradition and the memory,

Alain and Michel LONGUET decide to do

renovate the carrier sorting and manufacturing equipment from the period.


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Relocation of production to Clayes sous Bois thus allowing

a productivity of 100,000 cakes per day.


Construction of the modern industrial building of 2000 m² and installation

of three automatic production lines. The production capacity passes

240,000 cakes per day, without neglecting know-how and tradition

in their recipes. They are constantly developing new products for

best meet the desires of their consumers.



Alain Longuet selected by Philippe Bouvard on the show

"The Man of the Day" on France3.



Nicolas Longuet, joins the team alongside his father Alain Longuet,

the 4th generation is now on the way to developing the brand.

And Erté participates in the Automatic Distribution Show

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Erté innovates with new, clearer and more gourmet packaging ...


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

... And launches its new P'tits Bouchons range

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End of 2020, launch of the new cakes range


Creation of personalized display units, and implementation of the Biscuiterie Erté range in hypermarkets

carrefour market limour.HEIC
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